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Il logo della Fondazione
Gli Ungulati sono un gruppo di mammiferi per cui la Fondazione La Lomellina ha un occhio di riguardo

Protecting wildlife

La Lomellina Foundation


The Foundation's objectives are: the respect, development and protection of nature and the animal world, as well as the promotion of education and an increase in culture in these contexts.

In particular, the Foundation aims at: encouraging the respect, development and protection of wildlife in all its forms, also by means of hunting with or without dogs, in Switzerland and abroad; promoting education and the knowledge of the animal world through initiatives oriented to preserve fauna's dignity and its survival, even following a reduction in the available habitat.


L’ape è un insetto che appartiene all'ordine degli imenotteri. Sono animali fondamentali per l'equilibrio della natura
La lista rossa delle specie minacciate, o Red List, è una banca dati globale delle specie a rischio di estinzione imminente.

Our projects have to support the conservation of wildlife for the benefit of human, the environment and habitats all around the world.
The projects we support must have a lasting impact on the environment in which they are implemented and they must enable our partners to continue their work even after the Foundation has finished the collaboration.

Annual report 2023

Our Annual Report 2023 is now available.

You can download it below.

Fondazione La Lomellina

Vicolo al Motto 26

6990 Cassina d'Agno (CH)


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